WWJH PTA Membership
Join the WWJH PTA and show your support for our students! We welcome and encourage parents, grandparents, neighbors, extended family, friends and members of the community to join the WWJH PTA! Support your school and your child by joining WWJH PTA!
Why join the WWJH PTA?
PTA is an organization made up of parents, teachers and others around the state who have an interest in children, families and schools. PTA membership is as diverse as Texas is in cultures, education levels and parenting skills. By joining PTA, a member becomes part of the largest child advocacy organization in the state with nearly 600,000 members across Texas. PTA is more than a group of involved parents and teachers: it is a community that cares deeply about the success of Texas children.
Get involved for your children and for your community. Studies have shown that membership in PTA provides your child and other children around you with a greater chance of achieving in school. As a PTA member, you are more likely to be an informed, involved parent. Learn ways to keep children safe and involved in school. PTA is the place to gain that knowledge.
PTA Benefits
PTA provides opportunities to meet with others who have the same interests as you. By sharing common concerns, you will feel more empowered. Being part of PTA connects families and schools and results in parental support and makes school involvement easier.
PTA also provides educational opportunities. From local-level parent education meetings to the Texas PTA Annual Convention, PTA encourages learning and the sharing of accomplishments, interests and concerns.
Ultimately, PTA provides the opportunity to serve, to volunteer and to contribute to the welfare of all children, because children represent our future. PTA will introduce you to a great variety of new activities and opportunities to share your special talents. PTA will give you opportunity, not only to impact your local community, but to have input in major legislative and policy issues affecting children throughout the state. Membership gives you a voice. Exercise your right to vote. Get involved.
WWJH PTA members also receive:
- Access to our Online Student Directory (available only to members with children at the school) that includes information such as addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses to stay in touch with other WWJH parents
- Voting privileges at WWJH PTA meetings
- Texas PTA Membership
- Texas PTA Merchant Benefits & Discounts
- National PTA Membership
- National PTA Merchant Benefits & Discounts
If you have further questions please contact members@westwoodpta.org
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, April 3