Welcome Wolves!!
Donate to the General Fund
If parties aren't your thing, we would greatly appreciate a donation. Donate online here.
Time to Join the WWJH PTA and Support Our Wolves!
Please update your family/student contact information and join the PTA!
Click HERE to start the online process.
Record Your Volunteer Hours!
Please click here to record your WWJH PTA Hours!
What Counts as Volunteer Hours?
Check out this Top 10 List
Volunteer hours may be reported by parents, community members, and students.
- Attended, helped, or planned: Multicultural Night, Picnic, Supply Sale, Membership Drive, Field Day, Book Fair, Tuesday Folders, Muffins for Mom/Donuts for Dads/Pastries for Parents, etc.
- Donated treats, set up, and/or supervised Holiday Parties or Teacher Appreciation events.
- Volunteered in the school library or cafeteria
- Chaperoned dances, prom, or other similar events
- Attended school field trips, including overnight trips
- Helped/Talked or all the above with the WWJH ED Talks
- Served on their PTA Executive Board, including time spent preparing and executing their position's responsibilities
- Attended PTA Executive Board Meetings
- Attended PTA Membership Meetings
- Attended Parent Education or PTA Training, including LAUNCH
Watch your grade-level Facebook pages and the Westwood Wire for more information!
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, April 3